EXTRAordinary Worker
We created this campaign to celebrate frontline workers who consistently do extraordinary work. By creating a platform for each nominee's story to be heard, and rewarding the winner with a cash prize!
Congratulations Mrs. C!!
We are so thrilled to announce Cheryl Whalen (Mrs. C) as the goHappy 2020 EXTRAordinary Worker of the Year!! We were joined by NBC, CBS, and many of the kids who ride her bus and their parents, to celebrate the life and work of this EXTRAordinary person. We were so honored to present Mrs. C with a HUGE check for $10,000. (let's just hope her bank accepts it..)
Over the past 20+ years, Mrs. C to her students, has become the face of Chesterfield County Schools Transportation Department. She not only transports kids to school, but helps them learn valuable life skills along the ride.
According to nine-year-old Winterpock student, Bayleigh, “She’s the best bus driver in the world." And we couldn't agree more!!
Mrs. C. plans to use some of the cash to throw a party at her house for her students, complete with a bounce house and water slide to give back to the kids who make her love her job.
$ 10,000
To Award
$ 15,700
Already Awarded
Have Won Already
Simply. Extraordinary.
We want to celebrate people who are doing what most people would describe as “ordinary” jobs. But, they are being done in an extraordinary way. By extraordinary people.
They are EXTRAordinary Workers.And, we think there are thousands of them out there. But, their stories don’t get told. They don’t get the limelight in the Wall Street Journal. Or Forbes. Or CNN. Or even in their local paper. But, we think they’re worth telling. Actually, they’re definitely worth telling. And, they are worth celebrating for sure.
So we’re going to do our small part in telling these stories and celebrating them through our EXTRAordinary Worker Campaign - Oh and giving them an opportunity to win $1,000!! And then at the end of the year we will select one of those winners as The goHappy 2021 EXTRAordinary Worker of the Year - with a Grand Prize of $10,000!!
We love you Bernadette!
We were so honored to be able to celebrate Bernadette and award her with $1,000!! You keep doing you B.
Watch us surprise Reggie!
We loved celebrating Reggie as an Extraordinary Worker! We were joined by NBC 12, Reggie's daughters, and all the residents of Byrd park who just love Reggie!
The EXTRAordinary Workers!
Cut back on tedious admin work and supercharge your HRIS with goHappy’s seamless integrations. Our platform is compatible with every workplace management solution out there, meaning our system will always reflect what’s inside yours.
Mrs. C is loved by all - and she loves all! It was a blast getting to know her during the launching of our campaign. We are honored that she was the first ever Extraordinary Worker!! Love you Mrs. C!
Mrs. C | Bus Driver
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