Want to see how goHappy works?
Check out our full-length product demo video or submit your contact information below to receive a sample goHappy message within 24 hours.
No hassle. No haggling. Experience for yourself how goHappy can help you automatically and efficiently engage your deskless workforce.
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“We love how easy it is to use goHappy. They have made communication with our frontline workers easy. Their software plays an integral role in our engagement strategy.”
Jeremy Edmonds | VP of People & Culture
“We love how easy it is to use goHappy. They have made communication with our frontline workers easy. Their software plays an integral role in our engagement strategy.”
Jeremy Edmonds | VP Of People & Culture
Why goHappy?
Easy to use
Request shift coverage, share safety updates, celebrate milestones, and more with just a couple of clicks.
No opt-in required
With no employee adoption needed, goHappy is the most inclusive and efficient way to engage your frontline.
Immediate results
On average, text messages from goHappy have a 98% open rate and are read within just three minutes of being received.
Happier employees
Engagement helps your frontline feel more connected and more valued - leading to higher productivity and lower turnover.
Save time with set-and-forget automation
No more keeping track of birthdays, work anniversaries, or open enrollment periods. HR teams, administrative staff, and frontline management can use goHappy to create custom triggers and send personalized, automated texts to any employee for any event.

Engage your frontline with tools made for the frontline
Reach, engage, and retain your deskless workforce with our one-way messaging tool that is designed specifically with the frontline worker in mind.
See for yourself how goHappy can transform your organization by getting a sample text today!