goHappy Resources

How to Increase Employee Engagement Without Burning Out

Written by Dane Schwartz | Jun 9, 2023 9:41:58 PM

Frontline employee engagement isn’t a nice-to-have, it’s a necessity. So how do you add it to an already full plate?

As a business owner or a manager of frontline employees, do you ever feel like you can’t get ahead? Like you produce business results for the short term, but always find those outcomes slipping back to baseline or even below where they started? 

If so, you are not alone. At goHappy we hear this a LOT from new clients. (And the current economy isn’t making things any easier…) What we tell clients who are experiencing lackluster results is this: 

The answer to better business outcomes is probably simpler than you think: better employee engagement. 

Maybe the prospect of adding employee engagement to your to-do list feels super stressful. We get it. Many of us are just worried about keeping the lights on and employee engagement seems like a nice-to-have rather than a necessity. And it is possible to manage the operations in a manner that will deliver expected results in the short term. 

But those results won’t last. In fact, when you factor in the results of low employee engagement – high turnover, increased absenteeism, reduced productivity, and poor customer service – ignoring employee engagement will leave you worse-off. The way to produce results and sustain them is through leading and serving the needs and interests of employees. 

In short: You can focus on results, or you can focus on that which produces exceptional results, namely people. 

So, as an owner or frontline manager, how can you do that in a way that doesn’t completely burn you out? That’s what goHappy specializes in, and we’ve got you covered with resources that can get you started today, including:

What we want you to take away from this article is that frontline employee engagement doesn’t have to be hard. And it pays off big. 

The linkage between the engagement level of employees and the business outcomes that result has been studied and reported extensively by Gallup. Organizations in the top-quartile for employee engagement see 23% higher profitability than organizations that rank in the bottom-quartile. And that’s just one of many advantages they enjoy. 

The organizations that make employee engagement a strategic priority will be the ones who get ahead in the long-term, and the best time to start is today. It’s a win-win that will help you work smarter, not harder, and see better results in the process. Let us know if you’d like a helping hand along the way!